Toontown Rewritten Important Tips For Mac

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Toontown Archive is a service that aims to provide game servers for all of the historical updates of Disney's Toontown Online. The ability to close the game by pressing command+Q on macOS was implemented to Toontown Rewritten on January 29, 2014. These are important tips for Toontown Rewritten Macbook users! I hope this is useful! Like and Subscribe:). Laff is a Toon's health points that are measured on a Laff Meter invented by Doctor Surlee.The Laff Meter resembles the head of the Toon's species and is shown at the bottom left corner of the interface. Toons start with 15 laff as they enter Toontown for the first time but can currently work their way up towards reaching a maximum amount of 137 laff (minus special perks). My friend is having troubles when starting up Toontown. He is running the newest version of Mac OS and is having an issue similar to the one here.It says entering the queue and a window pops up then instantly disappears and says that it has stopped working.

Playing It Safe on Safer Internet Day

Posted by Shockley on February 11, 2020 at 4:00 PM

One Safe! Two Safe! Thrreeeee.. Safe! Oh, sorry, I was just working on my Safer Internet Day workout. I'm Shockley, and I'm one of the Toon Troopers in charge of making sure that everyone in Toontown stays safe. No, not just by buying more Drop gags!

To begin strengthening myself to levels of safety never-before-seen in Toontown, I went to the one place where no one ever gets hurt: professional sports. Bats, cleats, and rackets -- the pinnacle of safety in the workplace! These tools of destruction can surely make for nothing less than a clean, fun game.

Truth be told, the Toon Council had to turn Screwball Stadium from a sports complex into a racing course after just one day of safety disasters. As it turns out, professional sports aren't all that safe after all. Luckily, I've been watching somearchivalfilms of the old stadium events, and I think I have the gist of this. Here's the rules of being safe in sports -- as well on the internet!

Keep your Game Plan a Secret!

There's nothing sadder in Gum-ball (The amazing game of chewing!) than a predictable play. Keep your plans safe, and never reveal your personal information online! Whether you're in Toontown or some other whimsical world, your identity should be your greatest secret. Sharing information such as phone numbers and addresses could lead to potentially dangerous visits from Cold Callers, Telemarketers, and even worse.


Secure your Locker!

Sometimes it might seem like a good idea to share your Locker with friends, but it can lead to some sticky situations. Much like your locker might have your most valuable gags, your Toontown Account has valuable possessions as well: Your Toons! Y Memory card recovery with click v 3.60.1012. ou should never share your Toontown Account's password. If your friend wants to play, they can create as many accounts as they could possibly need, all for free! As with your personal information, our Support Toons will never ask for your account's password.

ChatToontown Rewritten Important Tips For MacToontown Rewritten Important Tips For Mac

Don't Make a Foul Play!

Unlike what I saw on those old film reels, the most important part of any sporting event is winning fair and square. Of course, that also means that you shouldn't be a sore loser! While it doesn't necessarily make you safer, being kind to others makes the internet a better place for everyone!

Ask for your Team's Help!

The best chewers in Gum-ball didn't get there on their own. The best way to win any game is through teamwork -- and that extends to Toontown! If you ever fear for your safety in Toontown, use the 'Report' button and contact [email protected] for help!Our team of Support Toons are there to help solve any issues you may have.

There you have it, ladies and gentletoons! Now, I'm off to learn about other safe pastimes in Toontown. I've always wanted to learn about the art of skydiving..


Sorry! Comments are closed.
Cherry said on February 11, 2020 at 4:32 PM
Cupcake said on February 11, 2020 at 4:43 PM
Well said. :)
Werecat said on February 11, 2020 at 7:07 PM
Toons of the world, stay Safe!

Toontown Rewritten Important Tips For Macro

mini said on February 11, 2020 at 7:29 PM
the report and ignore buttons have honestly been so useful lately. when the game is about teamwork you'd expect people to work as a team, but that isn't the case for toons who misbehave :/
Doctor Biscut said on February 12, 2020 at 2:11 AM
Toontown is a better place with saftey
Kitty Katt said on February 12, 2020 at 5:37 AM
*Safe falls from my paws* We can still have our safe drops, right?
Ducky said on February 12, 2020 at 9:30 AM
Toons can be safe but cogs cant be safe
Mythical Beast said on February 12, 2020 at 11:55 AM
Just remember to be careful if you go skydiving, Shockley!
Ginger Sparklesticks said on February 12, 2020 at 12:57 PM
Awesome it's good to remind eveytoon to be safe!! :)
Mister Hazel said on February 12, 2020 at 6:01 PM
Hey, Toons! There's nothing wrong with being friends with someone you just met, but if someone tries to ask you for your password, THAT'S NO GOOD! It's your Toon, nobody should have the right to take it, so what do you do? First you say 'NO!' then you report them and get outta there, but must important let the Moderators know about what happened, don't tell before its too late!

Toontown Rewritten Guide

Cool Comet said on February 13, 2020 at 6:49 AM
This is a great post! thank you for teaching toons about sports and internet safety.
Dragon Croc Light Zap said on February 13, 2020 at 12:51 PM
Gotta Keep it clean!
Freya said on February 13, 2020 at 8:52 PM
Very cute way to remind players to stay safe.
Snow Angel said on February 16, 2020 at 10:35 AM
Good Tips! Thanks TTR! Remember to BE SAFE everyone & HAVE FUN! :o)

Toontown Rewritten Important Tips For Macbook Pro

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